Archbishop Elias Audi

Audi Denounces the Obstruction of the August 4 Investigation

The Metropolitan of Beirut, Archbishop Elias Audi, stigmatized in his Sunday Sermon the obstruction of the investigation into "the crime of the explosion of August 4," which constitutes "a disgrace for our state and for some of our judges." "The latter have not only failed in their duty to uncover the truth and impose justice, but they are ...

Audi: Lebanon's Officials Pushed the Country to the Abyss

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut, Elias Audi, denounced the 2024 budget adopted by Parliament on January 26, stating that “the new taxes and tariffs imposed on citizens will further impoverish them without offering any social or medical services in return.” During his Sunday sermon, Audi said that those in charge are continuing “to ...